July 5, 2013

Happy Fourth of July!

Just a quick post for the holiday weekend. Day 3 kicked me in the pants but I didn't relent. I have felt terrible since yesterday morning, sort of like that fevery feeling but I don't have a fever! I'm putting it up to my body complaining about the lack of diet coke. I'm still drinking coffee but clearly not enough to make it happy!

We had a great fourth of July with our friends and I stayed 99.999% compliant. The only thing was that I had one sweet potato wedge that had some melted butter on it. Oh well. The cucumber watermelon salad that I made was delicious, and our grass fed burgers were amazing. Our friends really enjoyed them!

I stayed strong and didn't drink even though everyone else did, good for me.

Unfortunately this morning I figured I would try to get out of my funk by running. It was a lot hotter than I had anticipated, and after getting half way through my routine I had to stop, which meant walking all the way home. Overall, a 30 minute workout turned into an hour long trek which was not fun!

I think the issue is that I'm just not eating enough? It's a delicate balance trying to eat well but not eat when you aren't hungry and I've always had issues with that. If I eat at "lunch time" simply because its lunch time, it sets a bad precedent if I'm not actually hungry, but people look at you oddly if you skip breakfast and eat lunch at 3 in the afternoon, I think.

What do you think: eat on a schedule even if I'm not hungry or risk not eating enough by eating when I'm hungry (even if its at weird times)?

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